I loved it also very great read, funny and sad.
hey all,.
we have purchased a bunch of great books recently, and one of them is from author kyria abrahams called "i'm perfect, you're doomed".
i'm only 5 chapters in at this stage, but i just have to share that this is a great read!.
I loved it also very great read, funny and sad.
i seem to remember many talks and articles in the past about repeating rumors.last night before going into the book study the conductor said something to the effect, "i heard a rumor and i don't know if it's true but the rumor is that in the future we will be using only;y videos at the door.".
anyone else heard this "rumor"?.
and whats up with repeating rumors from the platform?
The hall my husband is in just had the CO last week and he really pushed the video's. Also he really pushed going dtd. That the carts are good but the dtd work is the most important work. It is what mother want's us to do. Go dtd and show video's, no mention of mags or other thing's.
i understand people love their family but i also don't understand why you end up caring in the end.
i'm ready to leave and i 100% don't expecting my family to have any contact with me nor do i want them to contact me.
if they are going to chose a man made religion over me, that's their choice and i will sleep easy at night.
All time Jeff
I am so glad you are back. I love the way you put things. What you just said is exactly how I feel. It just really makes me sad that the religion has such an impact on people that they would shut the door on their children, parent's, etc.
All thoes lost year's of being together as a family will be gone never to be able to be replaced.
It's just really sad. All we can do is live a good life and hopefully they will wake up before it's too late.
in another thread a poster has been in a pitched fight with others about the results from the arc.
trying to explain away the results and minimizing the damages.
what he has failed to understand is that the society had and still does have certain policies in place that hide the sexual abuse of minors.
If we just ingnore RO and not give him the attention he carves he will go away at some point.
in another thread a poster has been in a pitched fight with others about the results from the arc.
trying to explain away the results and minimizing the damages.
what he has failed to understand is that the society had and still does have certain policies in place that hide the sexual abuse of minors.
Let's please not debate RO. I know he gets to everyone, but that's his goal.
He has train wrecked, derailed, and caused page after page of debate. I know as I have fallen for it. He has a buddy on this board and the 2 of them have made page after page after page, of debates, where he just talk's in circles.
I am not faulting anyone I am pointing the finger at myself. I did it I helped to derail 3 threads with RO and his buddy.
This subject of child abouse in the JW'S is to important to let it keep happening.
Vidot and Giordano have done to great of job on this thread to let RO ruin it also.
in another thread a poster has been in a pitched fight with others about the results from the arc.
trying to explain away the results and minimizing the damages.
what he has failed to understand is that the society had and still does have certain policies in place that hide the sexual abuse of minors.
Thanks Vidot and and Giordano for posting such great info, and not letting ones minimize this.
not too long ago, i posted a topic where i pointed out that there are about 1 million xjws alive right now.
that number only represented the disfellowshipped ones... didn't account for those who had become publishers and left or anyone else who got hurt by that group by proxy.
so, why are there so few of them online?
I also agree with Magwitch. I too went into the pioneer work, Bethel. I wish so much that I had not wasted so much of my life. It's like I am addicted to try to understand why.
I would love to be an ex, ex JW, but the child abouse issue just eats at me as I saw first hand how molesters are allowed free run in the KH's. But if I had not saw it I would probably still be a blind follower.
not too long ago, i posted a topic where i pointed out that there are about 1 million xjws alive right now.
that number only represented the disfellowshipped ones... didn't account for those who had become publishers and left or anyone else who got hurt by that group by proxy.
so, why are there so few of them online?
Darkspilver thanks forposting the Reveal News link. The poster who belittled and swore at me over the weekend, told me I was crazy and lived in my own little bubble as he had never heard of Reveal, Trey Bundy or NPR has been posting on this thread.
He refused to even Google it but instead to insult me. You have provided him easy assess to Tray's link, not that he will bother to view it but but at least its there for everyone to see. Thank you
it's heading towards $900,000 now..
Honestly all you have to do is look up SNAP, Trey Bundy, Reviel on NPR instead of spending your Sunday afternooni insulting me and swearing at me and yet you refuse. Life really is to short for the way you are spending it.
it's heading towards $900,000 now..
I know Landy the English language really is not, but it must be for you because you have to use so many swear word's. It is hard typing on my phone. But what is your excuse for swearing?
You know they say small mind's can't think of any other kinds of word's.